Saturday, April 18, 2009

Glimpses of God's grace

I am always overflowing with thankfulness to see small glimpses of my boys' heart possibly softened by the Holy Spirit.  Davis can say several verses and we can engage in pretty good conversations about the stories or verses that we are learning.  While those things are great and I know the importance of giving him a foundation of Biblical knowledge, I am most aware of God working in our family when I see my boys apply something or initiate something themselves.  Davis was very, very sick a couple of nights ago.  I had been sitting with him and he was throwing up about every fifteen minutes so he couldn't get settled enough to fall asleep even though he was very tired.  He rolled over in his bed and said something that I didn't understand the first time.  He said again, "Don't you think you could pray to Jesus and ask him to help me to feel better".  It was so sweet to me that he thought on his own to turn to Jesus in prayer when he felt horrible.  When he felt better in the morning he remembered and said, "Jesus answered my prayer and now I feel better"!  Praise God for an opportunity to see Him glorified.
I have also seen both boys being very considerate to each other.  (It goes without saying that they can also be quite the opposite) but almost everyday I see them, on their own, decide to share with each other when they know it would make the other one happy.  Davis fell down earlier today and Parker saw him crying so he brought him the new ball that Mark had just bought for Parker that morning.  Parker knew Davis wanted it earlier and was so happy to give it to him when he saw that he was sad.  Sweet brothers.  It would be my desire that they would come to know Jesus as their Savior and encourage one another in their faiths.  


Amy said...

It is so encouraging where there are, in my case, TINY glimpses of fruit. Just today Trey was able to name his sin as doing evil instead of good and it took me from a place of discouragement to thankfulness in an instant. God is working in these kids lives, and I praise Him for that!!! :)

Theresa said...

Praise God for His work in hearts at such young ages. Such sweet stories!!

Cristina said...

This is so great to hear. We also had a similar experience this week. Gabriel had a lot of pain in his arm due to a very nasty skin rash and as he was crying loudly while holding his arm, he asked me to PLEASE, PLEASE pray to Jesus for healing. As you say, it was great because I did not initiate it!