Sadly, my continual chase after three boys has left my blog quite rejected. I'm writing about Halloween just after Christmas which means that the cute, sentimental comments are going to be few and far between, but at least my photos will be up to date! Halloween events were pretty typical this year. We had a pre-Halloween party at my mom's house to carve pumpkins. The cousin all dress up together and the big boys got dirty and carved pumpkins this year. Davis carved (lots of "administrating":) a Mario face into his pumpkin. Mark sadly did not love his carving work this year since I bought him a rotten pumpkin. So sad.

I took the little boys to a pumpkin patch to buy pumpkins for the above carving party. They had such a great time. There was a barrel train, tons of fun animals, a bounce house and one of those "carnival style strength tester machines". Parker asked me to go first and I only got it about half way to the bell. He took two swings at it and it rang the bell . . . hmmm, strong Parker (/weak mommy)! I'm choosing to believe that it was because I was already so tired from lifting 8 gigantic pumpkins into my car.

Davis and Parker had wanted to dress up as Mario and Luigi all year. They talked about it all the time and there was no question when Halloween finally arrived that they wanted to be the Nintendo Brothers. Gray got to wear a hand me down dragon that I chose to call Bowser since his Toad costume would not stay on.

Halloween night we toured our neighborhood. The boys were only good for about 1 1/2 streets. In fact, they were fighting over who got to ride in the double stroller. At one point Davis even asked to be rolled up to the door to say trick or treat so he wouldn't loose his spot. (True Davis fashion - carted around to get candy - awesome!)
The boys with our neighbor - Adalyn - just love that little lady bug.
We love living one street away from Uncle David's house. They let us crash in there for a little bit for chili and some more cousin fun. This was a standard photo op for the Kronwald cousin clan - I love the continued tradition :)

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