Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Recent Happenings . . .

I've been terrible about blogging the day-to-day lately - which is sad because those are always my favorite posts when I read back - here are some random musings . . .

- It is most common for me to go in to get Grayson out of his bed and find him disheveled. No pants and an arm through the head hole is a good day. Some days he is so twisted up in his shirt I can't see his face or he has managed to also take off his diaper . . NOT good! Cracks me up with the strip down.

- Grayson knows a ton of animal sounds and surprises me with how many random animals he can identify, but the sheep sound is his favorite and if he is not feeling it - every animal you ask him says "Baaa".

- Parker plays lots of different imaginary games. Right now he names lots of different characters based on Super Mario Brothers names. A knight with a green shirt will always be "Luigi" or a super hero bad guy with a red cape will be "Mario". He will also randomly decide that we all have SMB names. He did this one day with the girls down on the beach in Atlantis. I think Elisabeth was Luigi, Kendra was Mario and he was Peach. He would call them by that name and insist that they called him "peach". Funny boy.

- We were walking into Chick-fil-a the other day and Davis yells, "Oh wow, look at that, the cow is wearing a fire hat, usually he is just standing there with a chicken sign". That, my friends, is how you know that you go to CFA too often - when your child notices changes in the decor. The people at the counter thought it was hilarious.

- Grayson doesn't have tons of words that anyone other than me can understand - but sometimes he will drop something new like he has always said (probably been saying it in his head for a long time:) On the beach I said, time to get out of the water and he yells with a huge smile "Nooo Waaay". And then I crack up. This is the tragedy of parenting as right now this is hilarious to me and soon I will remember that him replying "no way" is unacceptable :) As for now - still funny when he drops that one.

- My kids had a yucky cold in Atlantis (cold in the summer??) Anyway, one morning Parker's nose was going crazy and he told me, "I have SO MANY bless you's in here that won't come out of my nose!!" (sneezes - so cute)


Amy said...

Awww such sweet, sweet stories! It is always funny when the baby says very big things!

AprilJ said...

I'm with Parker.. I, too, have a lot of bless-you's that are being stubborn. Colds in the summer are no good.

Anonymous said...

Sweet pics of G. Hugh has had a cold all nice. Parker makes me laugh!