Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Sweet Parker

I think that this has just become a given . . "sweet" Parker. He is just sweet, through and through. He has such a precious, kind heart. He can be feisty for sure - but it really is more rare for him. He is so quick to do something kind for me, unprompted. He also speaks very kindly to others most of the time. He tells me he loves me and that I am his best mommy in the world at least everyday. Sometimes when I feel like I am being pulled 5000 directions, Parker will just spontaneously do something so kind to me or one of his brothers and it makes me feel so encouraged.

This kid loves music. He loves to sing. I am kind of slow with mac computers but just figured out last week how to buy music on iTunes and then make a CD. I made him a CD with all his favorite songs on it and it made his day. The boys listen to it in their room at nap time and before bed. I love to hear his little (off key:) voice singing - seriously it is wonderful. We were driving with the cd in the car the other day and I was on the phone. I heard the boys bickering and then realized it was because Parker was correcting Davis to sing the correct words to "Glorious and Mighty" - that was not so sweet :) but kind of funny - and kind of reminiscent of Liss and I - seriously I was always having to tell her the right words to songs, hahaha.

He had a friend over to play last week and Davis was gone. He and his buddy played SO well together for hours. He was acting so old and in charge with the big boys gone and he was being a really good friend which was encouraging for me to watch. He is also in love with his cousin Logan. He gets super excited about all his cousins, but Loges is his buddy and he really loves playing with him. I'm grateful for that friendship for him. Sometimes I think a house full of "second borns" would be a very serene place :)


Anonymous said...

Very cute pic of Parker. He is a sweet boy. I love that he loves music and loves to sing...so sweet. I see his sweet heart with Hugh...he is a great brother!

Heidi Marie said...

He is so wonderful your Parker. Got to have a little moment of adoring him on Sunday night in the three's class. Don't worry I did it from afar since he had no clue who I was and if he did he probably wondered, what the heck is she doing here??

Unknown said...

There are so many things I love about Parker...the way he looks up at me with those eyes, his deep voice, how he wears boots everywhere and how he looks so different than his brothers. Now, about that second born thing...~Amy :)

AprilJ said...

I for sure love Parker's deep voice.. He's a doll. He is so cute about wearing his hats, too :)

Heather-Paper Princess Studios said...

Hi is such a sweet boy! I love hearing about the sweet things he does and says...Makayla will need a sweet hubby someday so keep it coming ;)