Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Sweet Parker

I think that this has just become a given . . "sweet" Parker. He is just sweet, through and through. He has such a precious, kind heart. He can be feisty for sure - but it really is more rare for him. He is so quick to do something kind for me, unprompted. He also speaks very kindly to others most of the time. He tells me he loves me and that I am his best mommy in the world at least everyday. Sometimes when I feel like I am being pulled 5000 directions, Parker will just spontaneously do something so kind to me or one of his brothers and it makes me feel so encouraged.

This kid loves music. He loves to sing. I am kind of slow with mac computers but just figured out last week how to buy music on iTunes and then make a CD. I made him a CD with all his favorite songs on it and it made his day. The boys listen to it in their room at nap time and before bed. I love to hear his little (off key:) voice singing - seriously it is wonderful. We were driving with the cd in the car the other day and I was on the phone. I heard the boys bickering and then realized it was because Parker was correcting Davis to sing the correct words to "Glorious and Mighty" - that was not so sweet :) but kind of funny - and kind of reminiscent of Liss and I - seriously I was always having to tell her the right words to songs, hahaha.

He had a friend over to play last week and Davis was gone. He and his buddy played SO well together for hours. He was acting so old and in charge with the big boys gone and he was being a really good friend which was encouraging for me to watch. He is also in love with his cousin Logan. He gets super excited about all his cousins, but Loges is his buddy and he really loves playing with him. I'm grateful for that friendship for him. Sometimes I think a house full of "second borns" would be a very serene place :)

He is Super Cute So I Guess We'll Keep Him!

Just had to post this - This nuk is not his - he has never like/used a pacifier - his older brother still does however and this is so classic baby brother Grayson . . . he gets a huge kick out of finding something like this of his brothers and pretending like he is getting such great enjoyment out of it himself - don't his eyes just scream "nah nah nah"!
I have not been good about remembering to post updates about my growing little boys and right now I feel like Grayson is growing and learning tons of new things everyday. I love to see his unique little personality developing.

He has new words just about everyday. While he is no where near the verbal skills of Parker (which is confusing to my husband who only remembers that P was giving dissertations at 20 months:) he is slowly learning to express himself with words - less grunting and whining - YEAH! I love his little voice - note to self . . get out the video camera. He says: mama, dada, dog, Eli (which is what he calls ALL Johnson boys), Davis (which is a hard word that he says surprising clearly), moon, more, drink, shoe, night night, sing, Papa (a fave), Grandma, . . . and probably a few more that I can't think of right now. My favorite little words are when he asks in a questioning tone, "Where Davis . . Where Eli . . . Where Dada?" He holds up his hands and shrugs and then when you tell him the answer he says "ohhhhhh" like you really just cleared that up for him. He does this often all day - doesn't want to be missing out on the party :) He also knows some of his animal sounds - his favorite is the sheep. He also really likes to pray with me. When I lay him in his bed he asks "Amen?" to ask to pray and holds my hand while I pray with him. When we are done he says, "Aaaaaaaamen".

He has some likes that seem to be a little different than his brothers. He loves stuffed animals (nothing new) and I am currently trying to figure out how to transport a 4 foot stuffed dog on all our family vacations as he does NOT want to sleep without it . . Thanks Aunt Liss :) I'm trying to transition him to a sheep he really likes that is a much more manageable size - I'll let you know how that goes. He also really likes to push around and play with cars and small trucks. This was never really a fave of the other boys. He is in swim lessons and seems to really like the water when he gets to put his face in and swim and he HATES the water when he has to float.

He is full of energy and can be quite the little monkey. He can climb up just about anything and is fearless to bound around recklessly after his brothers. Sometimes when he runs he looks like he will wipe out hard face first at any moment . . . uh! It is not uncommon to find him jamming dvd's into small slots, chewing on the edge of cabinets (???) or finding a random marker that I was sure were completely out of reach and drawing on something . . . . busy, busy all the time. Good thing he is so stinkin' cute!

He still loves to snuggle me - I have always rubbed his belly when he is laying down while I sing him a song before bed in his crib. Lately he will just climb up onto my lap on the couch or where ever and lift up his shirt so I will rub his belly. Funny :) Mark thinks he looks like a puppy. I hope he always wants to love on his Momma!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Shamrock Farm

My boys together at Shamrock Farms - waiting for the tour bus
Pretending to be cows - they all kind of have a look on their face like "why is the lady making up do this?"

Grayson, Davis and their friend Isaiah.

The boys and I went to Shamrock Farm today for a tour of their dairy. It was very interesting and I think the boys thought it was pretty cool to see how they get milk from cows. I asked Davis what he liked best and he said that he liked seeing the tractors working by the barn and eating lunch with his friends . . . so obviously the fascinating dairy part didn't leave a huge impression. One of the sweetest parts of the day, for me, was watching Davis play with friends he doesn't get to see very often. Davis usually only feels bold if he is in the comfort zone of Eli or other buddies he is used to being around. He has become good friends with Isaiah at BSF this year and they palled around together for most of the day. He even lined up and got on the tour bus on his own with is friends without insisting I be in the same place with him (average for most kids maybe, but a BIG deal for Davis). He seemed very old, but it made me glad to see him growing in confidence and being a good friend to the other kids. I guess he IS ready for school next year . . sniff, sniff :)

Finally Home

Uncle Andy and I in 2005
Uncle Andy and I at his 90th Birthday party last year

A couple days after Easter my Uncle Andy died and went home to be with Jesus. I loved him very much and will miss him very much. While I will be sad that he is gone, it has been amazing to me over this past week to imagine what it must be like to be where he is and to be able to see Jesus with his eyes and be in God's presence. When I have been listening to my favorite worship songs my mind has reflected on what joy there is for him to be able to praise God in heaven right now at this very moment. I'm so grateful for the hope and expectation God's gives us as believers of our future in heaven and knowing my uncle is experiencing that this instant grows a desire for that in my own heart.

My Uncle Andy loved Jesus very much and sharing the gospel was very important to him. What I love about being at the funeral of believers is to hear about the ways that their ministries touched the lives of so many people - things I never even knew about them when they were here. One of the things that was said at his funeral that has stayed on my mind was the pastor's comments on our perspective about heaven. He said that you usually hear it said that when one dies they have gone from the land of living into land of death. He explained that this is really backwards. Because of sin, we are all now in the land of the dying, all moving toward an eventual death. Because my Uncle Andy knew Jesus, he has left this land of the dying and is NOW in the land of living. What a great check on my perspective. Thank you Jesus for the precious gift of a heritage of faith that You have allowed in my family.

Easter Celebrations

Our family all dressed up for Easter
Evie and I at our worship service outside at Tempe Town lake - such a beautiful time of praising God with the Body
Cousins at Mike and Jo Ann's house for brunch

The boys together with Buzz and Billie in the afternoon

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter!!
Time to die Easter eggs. The boys were super excited but after breaking three and them getting tired of the idea - we only got eight colored eggs, but that is okay.

Grayson with a banana to keep him occupied. There is no way I was letting this crazy monkey get his hands on eggs or colored dye!! He is quite the busy, mess maker these days. . . into EVERYTHING!!

We are very excited to celebrate Jesus tomorrow with our church for a morning service outside and then several stops to be with all of our families.