My dad taught the boys the I'm Down by the Beatles. They loved it (for some reason) and sing it in the car all the time. This cracks me up in general since I grew up listening to lots of oldies in the car. It also makes me chuckle because Parker will use the phrase from the song almost every time that he uses the word "down". He will say, "Mommy, can you help me get down, down baby down from this chair". I try not to laugh :)
We were talking about dinosaurs in our Children's Encyclopedia the other day and we were talking about what extinction means. They were trying to understand why there used to be dinosaurs and now there aren't any dinosaurs. The book gave several explanations for why they might have become extinct, one of which was the flood of the Bible. I was asking Davis, "can you think of anything that you know definitely happened because it is in the Bible that would have been BIG BIG enough to kill all those huge dinosaurs??" He thought about it for a while and then said, "Ummmm, Goliath?" Oh, it still makes me laugh a little.
Today Parker got a shot at the doctor and he keeps telling me his arm hurts but he keeps saying, "the shot really made my feelings hurt" while pointing to his arm :(