Thursday, November 27, 2008

SO Thankful

This is really just a "post for me" so I can remember a small moment in time.  
I just got finished putting the boys to bed - it is late after a long Thanksgiving day.  This was the small, but so sweet, exchange between Davis and Parker tonight:
Parker found a red screwdriver in his room when I took him in there and Davis has been looking for it all day.
Parker:  Day-day screwdriver . . wan it . . gi it to him.
(we take it in Davis' room)
Davis:  THANK YOU Parker!  Where was it?
P:  my room
D:  I need to give you a big kiss.
(I take Parker back in his room to finish laying him down and Davis stays in his bed but I hear him yell)
D:  Good night Parker - I love you VERY much.
P:  nigh nigh Day-day lu you
D: I love you too Parky.

It literally melted my heart.  What in this world could I possibly be more thankful for than those sweet little boys who love each other?  God seems to always give me the sweetest ending to a day that is particularly chaotic.  

(As a side note, since I know my sister-in-law who I love :)  will read this - yes D will randomly call P "parky" and it makes me crazy - gotta find a new nickname :)


Unknown said...

That is SO precious! I love those moments when you seem to forget the craziness of the day because of things like that. Love it!

Unknown said...

whoops - i guess i'm under Kenny's log in...Dos would be Kenny. Sorry.

Jason and Lisa said...

So sweet!

AprilJ said...

I will try to stop calling him Parky!!! It's hard :)

Cristina said...

tht is sooo sweet... I love to hear thoe type of "conversations" among mine... makes me sigh in contentment!

Jen said...

What cutie pies those boys are!!! :) I hope to hear those sweet conversations someday...soon! ;)